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Huibo Medical's "Safe Production Month" speech contest sings the main theme of safety


    In order to deeply implement the important decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on production safety, and at the same time improve the safety responsibility awareness of all employees and create a safe and harmonious production and operation environment, on June 27, Huibo Medical held the 2019 "Safe Production Month" Keynote contest. This competition is not only the main content of a series of safety activities of Huibo Medical in 2019, but also puts "Safe Production Month" on a new level and node.
    At the scene of the competition, the participants of Huibo Medical used their own powerful language and combined with the actual situation of their lives and work positions to give a vivid and meaningful lesson for themselves and all participants.
    Huibo Medical Executive Deputy General Manager Liu Yao emphasized at the meeting that there is nothing trivial in production safety. Every hidden safety hazard must be effectively strangled in the cradle. The production month is ringing, and it is even more important to keep safe in the future.

(Executive Vice President Liu Yao delivered a speech)
(Participants take a group photo with the judges)
    The creation of a safe and harmonious production environment is inseparable from the efforts and responsibilities of all employees. The applause ended with applause.
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