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Huibo Medical Organization conducts special training activities on party education

Source: Time:2019-01-26 15:46:09 views:

On the afternoon of January 25th, Huibo Medical Party Branch organized all employees to participate in the Party Spirit Education and Training Conference. The meeting invited Prof. Shi Pengfei, the director of the Marxist Philosophy Research Office of the Party School of Nanyang Municipal Party Committee, to give lectures.

Prof. Shi Pengfei, Director of the Research Office of Marxist Philosophy, Party School of Nanyang Municipal Party Committee

The training was based on the theme of “Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening up”. The professor’s lectures were simple, lively, theoretical and practical. They reviewed the historical process of reform and opening up and the tremendous achievements China has made in the past 40 years of reform and opening up. Professor Shi led the interpretation of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up: General Secretary Xi Jinping summed up the valuable experience of the 40 years of reform and opening up for nine "must insist": we must uphold the party's leadership over all work, Constantly strengthen and improve the party's leadership; we must adhere to the people as the center and constantly realize the people's yearning for a better life; we must adhere to the guiding position of Marxism and constantly advance the theoretical innovation on the basis of practice; we must adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and constantly Adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics; we must persist in perfecting and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and constantly exert and enhance China's institutional advantages; we must adhere to development as the top priority and continuously enhance China's overall national strength; we must persist in expanding openness and constantly promote common development. We must build a community of human destiny; we must adhere to the principle of strictly administering the party and constantly improve the party's creativity, cohesiveness, and combat effectiveness; we must adhere to the dialectical materialism and historical materialism world outlook and methodology, and correctly handle the relationship between reform, development, and stability. "Nine must be adhered to" is a valuable experience in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, and it is a mobilization order to carry out reform and opening up to the end at a new historical juncture. This "nine must adhere to" grasps the root causes of great achievements in the past 40 years, summarizes the important laws of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, and reveals the efforts of reform and opening up in the new era. I deeply understand that "the nine must adhere to" is the key point of studying the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping; the firm implementation of the "Nine Must Be Perseverance" is the basic follow-up for writing a new chapter of reform and opening up in the new era.

In the second half of the training session, Professor Shi was guided by the "Regulations on the Work of the Party Branch of the Communist Party of China" to provide training and guidance to the party building work of the Huibo Medical Party Branch, from organizational setup, basic tasks, working mechanisms, organizational life, and party branches. In terms of committee construction, etc., the rules and regulations for the establishment and implementation of grassroots party branches were elaborated. He also pointed out that the party branch is the basic organization of the party, the fighting bastion of the party in the grassroots organizations of the society, the foundation of all the work and combat effectiveness of the party, the direct education of party members, the management of party members, the supervision of party members and the organization of the masses, the promotion of the masses, and the cohesion. The responsibility of the masses and the masses. It is hoped that Huibo Medical Party Branch will continuously improve the quality of party branch construction and promote high-quality development of enterprises with high-quality party construction.

Zhu Tiangang, Chairman of Huibo Medical, stressed in his concluding remarks that the Party School Professor of the Municipal Party Committee has brought us a rich party class feast. The professor's lectures are simple and easy to understand, and have strong theoretical and ideological characteristics. Studying and implementing Xi Jinping's spirit of the important speech of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up and the necessity of grassroots party building is a party-oriented education with firm belief and firm direction. Through this study, we must strengthen our ideals and convictions, bear in mind the party's purpose, uphold the party's leadership, firmly establish political consciousness, overall situational awareness, core consciousness and sense of conformity, learn from history, strive to overcome the fuzzy understanding of ideas, and improve political discernment. With history as the present, we can better inherit and carry forward the fine traditions and fine styles of our party's history, and earnestly enhance our sense of professionalism and responsibility. The company should broaden its thinking and unify its thinking, and must take the reform and development of enterprises as the starting point and foothold of party building work. We will deepen the integration of party building and reform and development; we must continue to consolidate the project management foundation, improve the quality of safety and quality management and responsibility management, and better promote the work created by our “brand Huibo”.

All Party members, party activists and senior executives of Huibo Company took photos with Professor Shi.

This party-level education and training clarified the important task shouldered by the Communists in the new era, which enabled all employees of Huibo to accept a spiritual baptism, consistently maintain a high level of ideological action with the Party Central Committee, and actively move closer to the party organization; In the work, we should follow the example of the revolutionary predecessors, not forget the initial heart, bear in mind the mission, create new achievements in their respective jobs with practical actions, and write a new chapter of Huibo Medical in the new era.

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