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Huibo Medical was awarded the honorary title of "Caring Enterprise" at the Nanyang City's commendation meeting for fighting the new crown pneumonia epidemic

Source: Time:2020-12-17 17:45:20 views:

In order to vigorously promote the great anti-epidemic spirit, on December 17, 2020, Nanyang City's commendation meeting for fighting the new crown pneumonia epidemic was held on the second floor of the Nanyang Convention Center, ceremoniously commending the advanced people who have made outstanding contributions in the overall battle of epidemic prevention and control in our city.

        In order to vigorously promote the great anti-epidemic spirit, on December 17, 2020, Nanyang City's commendation meeting for fighting the new crown pneumonia epidemic was held on the second floor of the Nanyang Convention Center, ceremoniously commending the advanced people who have made outstanding contributions in the overall battle of epidemic prevention and control in our city. For units and advanced individuals, the leaders of the “four great people” attended the commendation meeting. The meeting was presided over by Mayor Huo Haosheng. The commendation meeting began with the solemn national anthem. Secretary Zeng Chuirui announced the commendation decision.
        In the commendation meeting, Henan Huibo Medical Co., Ltd. was rated as "Nanyang City's Outstanding Contribution Unit in Fighting the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic" and awarded the honorary title of "Caring Enterprise". Yang Xi, Secretary of the Party Branch and Deputy General Manager of Huibo Medical Comrades came to the stage to accept the award as a business representative.

Comrade Yang Xi, Secretary of the Party Branch and Deputy General Manager of Huibo Medical (third from left) came to the stage to accept the award on behalf of Huibo Medical

        In the face of the epidemic, the municipal party committee and the municipal government quickly adopted effective measures and responded decisively to build a copper wall and iron wall for epidemic prevention and control; in the face of the epidemic, medical staff went retrograde, raced at the same time and competed with the disease; in the face of the epidemic, party organizations at all levels Holding high the banner, party members and cadres are on the front line; in the face of the epidemic, many caring companies and enthusiastic citizens actively donate money and materials; the city mobilizes, all people participate, joint prevention and control, group prevention and group governance, and build the most stringent prevention and control system. Gather an indestructible and powerful force.
        As a regional key medical enterprise, Huibo Medical has overcome difficulties in the epidemic and took the initiative to take the initiative. All Huibo people, under the exemplary leadership of party members and comrades, held up the party flag, took the initiative to abandon holidays and entered the emergency production mode since New Year’s Day. For nearly five months, give up rest. On January 29, the first batch of anti-epidemic materials donated by Huibo Medical were delivered to the Nanyang New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Headquarters. In February, in order to fill the gap in the production of medical masks in our city, Huibo Medical did not have personnel, equipment, and technology. Under the circumstances, it resolutely decided to introduce 15 mask production lines at a high price. In March, in order to maintain the southwest gateway, the company invested in the construction of an epidemic prevention material production base covering an area of 65 acres. The youth commando team adhered to the project construction site 24 hours a day. In April, the epidemic prevention material production base put into production 200 mask production lines and put into production an automated disinfection product line. 20, successively provided more than 2,000 jobs, supplied 5 billion masks and 200 million bottles of sterilization supplies for the resumption of work and production, and built a solid barrier to protect the life safety and health of the people and fight against the whole city of Nanyang. Epidemic soldiers have jointly guarded the southern gate of the province's anti-epidemic and made important contributions to the prevention and control of the epidemic in our city. They have been unanimously praised by leaders of the party and government at all levels and praised by the people.

Huibo Medical bravely assumed social responsibility during the epidemic and donated epidemic prevention and control materials

        Comrade Yang Xi, Secretary of the Party Branch and Deputy General Manager of Huibo Medical, said: "The honorary title of'Caring Enterprise' is not only a recognition of Huibo Medical, but also a spur to us. Huibo Medical will continue to go all out and take responsibility. Social responsibility, guarding the hot land of Nanyang. At present, Huibo Medical is actively engaged in the production and storage of autumn and winter epidemic prevention and control materials. Yesterday, it donated more than 500,000 yuan worth of epidemic prevention and disinfection materials to local welfare institutions, creating a guarantee for epidemic prevention and control materials The copper wall and iron wall."

Henan Huibo Medical Co., Ltd. was awarded the honorary title of "Caring Enterprise"

        As a NEEQ listed company, Huibo Medical has the obligation and responsibility to take the initiative to take the initiative at every critical moment related to the life safety and physical health of the people. In the future, Huibo Medical will continue to serve the society, contribute to the society, and benefit the society. The fine tradition of Nanyang has made new and greater contributions to the high-quality construction of Nanyang as a large city with strong absorption and agglomeration capabilities and important influence.

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