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Huibo Medical Party Branch carries out the theme education of “not forgetting the original heart and keeping in mind the mission”

Source: Time:2019-11-09 09:15:58 views:

In order to carry out the theme education of “not forgetting the original heart and remembering the mission”, we will further guide the party members and cadres in the enterprise to bear in mind the initial mission, adhere to the ideal faith, and inspire the entrepreneurial enthusiasm.
Huibo Medical Party Branch carries out the theme education of “not forgetting the original heart and keeping in mind the mission”
-- Organize a concentrated visit to the study city theme education pavilion

       In order to carry out the theme education of “not forgetting the original heart and remembering the mission”, we will further guide the party members and cadres in the enterprise to bear in mind the initial mission, adhere to the ideal faith, and inspire the entrepreneurial enthusiasm. On the morning of November 8, Huibo Medical Party Branch organized the middle and above cadres of the company, all party members and party activists to visit and study in the theme education hall of Nanyang City, “Don't forget the heart, remember the mission”, and accept the red education baptism.
       The pavilion is based on the archives of the 18 major themes of “theory exploration, ideals and beliefs, unremitting struggle, keeping in mind, self-construction, and colorful Nanyang”. It closely follows the Communist Party’s “initial mission” and vividly displays our party. In the past 100 years, we have united and led the people of all nationalities in the country to adhere to their original mission and to constantly develop their glorious history.

       The lecturer is full of deep feelings and swaying explanations. A real photo in the pavilion and a page of precious literature lead us back to the historical era when the Chinese Communist Party explored the path of Marxism and the development of Marxism in China, and traveled across the country. Sticking to the mission of the original heart and constantly developing the glorious years of progress, the Chinese Communist Party is determined to strive for the happiness of the Chinese people and the struggle for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
       The "Front Party Fees", "Half-Cotton Quilt", "Party Members Follow Me" and other real, vivid and touching red stories; the precious historical photos and texts of the Nanyang Earth Revolution shown in the "Bath Monument" And revolutionary cultural relics; "South-to-North Water Diversion Middle-line Engineering Exhibition Hall" in the "Small House for everyone" Nanyang immigrant spirit, let everyone's heartbeat, deeply impressed, tears filled.

       Under the leadership of Comrade Yang Shuai, everyone solemnly vowed to relive the oath of the Chinese Communist Party's entry into the party and to end the visit in the oath of the passionate party. The visit and study for the party members and cadres of the enterprise "built the foundation of faith and supplemented the calcium of the spirit", and also inspired the cadres' team's "dare to be responsible, active, public, self-satisfied, hard-working, brave and forward-oriented" spirit of hard work. It provided political and spiritual support for the company's high-quality development in the fourth quarter of 2019 and the successful achievement of its strategic goals and objectives.

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