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Huibo Medical held a human resources management consulting project kick-off meeting

Source: Time:2019-11-06 10:37:45 views:

On the afternoon of November 5th, Huibo Medical held a human resources management consulting project kick-off meeting in the conference room on the sixth floor of the head office, officially launched the human resources management consulting project, and the head office, subsidiary management personnel and key employees passed the main venue and The video session venue participated in this conference.
       On the afternoon of November 5th, Huibo Medical held a human resources management consulting project kick-off meeting in the conference room on the sixth floor of the head office, officially launched the human resources management consulting project, and the head office, subsidiary management personnel and key employees passed the main venue and The video session venue participated in this conference.
       At the meeting, Tang Xuemei, deputy general manager of the administration, introduced the project: the human resource management project is based on the need to build a human resources system to realize the group's development strategy; the content of this project is divided into three modules: post-compilation, strategy-based talents. Inventory and compensation system optimization. At the same time of undertaking the results of group management and control, we will build a talent mechanism that “can improve the position, enable employees to enter and exit, cadres can get up and down, income can increase and decrease”, and guarantee the human resources supply for organizational development.
       Subsequently, Mr. Liu Yufeng, deputy general manager of Derui Consulting Management Company, shared the topic of “Human Resources Leading Strategy”. The relationship between talents and business growth, the support of talent development for business development, and how companies implement human resources leadership strategies have enabled us to have a deeper understanding and understanding of this topic.
       Mr. Liu Xing, Project Manager of Deru Consulting, introduced the background, content, implementation plan, usage method and promotion plan of the project.
       Finally, Zhu Tiangang, chairman of Huibo Medical, made an important speech. He pointed out that in recent years, the company has entered a rapid development track and its sales performance has continuously reached a new high. However, our current management team and management methods have not kept pace with the performance. The entry of this project team, through the advanced human resource management concept, scientific human resources assessment system, put the right people in the right position. Huibo's salary structure is more motivating, the ratio is more balanced, and through regular review, continuous optimization, the compensation system is outside the competition, there is fairness, and the company and employees win-win and synergistic development. It is required that management cadres and all personnel should attach great importance to, take seriously, fully cooperate, ensure the completion of high-quality and high-standard human resources projects, and lay a solid foundation for the company to maintain high-quality development, and ensure the Group's efficient, safe and high-quality sustainable development.
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