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There is a talent for someone who is more promising-Huibo Medical holds the 2020 talent inventory kick-off meeting

Source: Time:2020-10-31 14:23:39 views:

In order to promote the smooth implementation of the group's development strategy, the talent strategy should be adapted and matched with the group's development plan to realize the unity of talents, people and jobs, and people and enterprises.

    In order to promote the smooth implementation of the group's development strategy, the talent strategy should be adapted and matched with the group's development plan to realize the unity of talents, people and jobs, and people and enterprises. On October 31, Huibo Medical’s 2020 talent inventory kick-off meeting led by the Group’s Human Resources Department was held in Zhengzhou. The meeting was linked to 5 sub-venues in the form of live and video connections, including hundreds of employees from each branch, and invited German Rui Consulting Teacher Liu Xing remote video guidance. The group's middle and high-level leaders and all department leaders attended the meeting. Chairman Zhu Tiangang made an important speech.

    Since the beginning of this year, Huibo Medical has focused on building a health care ecosystem integrating health care equipment, health care products and health care services, and its main business, sales structure, product structure and R&D structure have undergone major changes. It is particularly important whether the construction of talent echelon, talent cultivation system, and personnel position configuration match the speed and mode of enterprise development. For this reason, Zhu Tiangang, chairman of the group, proposed: To build a century-old Huibo, a first-class Huibo, we must build a first-class team, possess first-class quality, create first-class performance, and do a first-class career. Therefore, talents are the foundation of development, and the training and use of talents is the essential of development.

    At the meeting, Tang Xuemei, deputy general manager of the group, gave a detailed explanation of the purpose, approach and goal of the talent inventory meeting, and gave a speech on the urgency of understanding the current situation of talents, building talent standards, and integrating talent resources.

    Mr. Liu Xing from De Rui Consulting analyzed the application and significance of the six aspects of disk quality, disk performance, positioning, finding gaps, judging risks, and finding succession, and provided a method for talent inventory.

    Chairman Zhu Tiangang pointed out in his speech that the current company’s development has entered a new stage and new era, and new explorations and new models have been made around the health care industry. The size of the company has continued to expand, its innovation capabilities have continued to increase, and its competitiveness has increased. , Team and cultivation must be compatible with the development strategy planning of the group, which can highlight the combat effectiveness, cohesion and creativity of talents and teams in the rapid development of the group. Huibo needs talents, it needs to tolerate talents, and it needs to give position and care to talented family members, and form an employment mechanism that combines organizational guidance, talent cultivation, and evaluation to fully activate the talent vitality of the enterprise. Everyone has ideals, and the consistency of the development aspirations of the enterprise and the individual development aspirations can reflect everyone's value and jointly create value for customers. In the development plan of our business structure, sales structure, and R&D structure, many positions are waiting for talented people to come in and give full play to their ingenuity, especially high-level leadership cadres. They must adopt the pure thinking of "thinking, capable, and successful". With a state of selflessness and noble quality, with a spirit of hard work and sacrifice, with a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, do a career and create a performance in your own post!

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