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Publicity of the results of the evaluation of photography, calligraphy and painting

Source: Time:2021-07-01 16:59:27 views:

According to the document requirements of the notice on carrying out the activity of "learning the history of the party for a hundred years and shouldering the important task of the times" in the evaluation of photography, calligraphy and painting, the activity selection group launched an open, fair and just evaluation on June 30. The selection process is open and transparent. The selection results are now announced as follows:
All departments and subsidiaries of the company:
According to the document requirements of the notice on the evaluation of photography, calligraphy and painting "of" learning the history of the party for the century "and" the important task of the times ", the activity selection group launched an open, fair and fair evaluation activity on June 30, and the evaluation process was open and transparent, and the results of the evaluation are hereby publicized as follows:
1、 Calligraphy:
First prize (1): Chen Tianen

Name of the work: the 20th youth of zhengfenghua Huibo
Author: Chen Tianen

Second prize (2): Liu Yao, Fu Xiwen

Name of the work: lion wakes up a hundred years of red time, dragon leaps thousands of Li, bijiangshan
Author: Liu Yao

Title of the work: never forget the original heart and remember the mission
Author: Fu Xiwen

Third prize (1): Zhang Yali

The Red Army is not afraid of expeditions
Author: Zhang Yali
2、 Photography:
Second prize (2): Yan Jihua, Jia Pengfei

Work title: the party emblem reflects my heart
Author: Yan Jihua

Tian'anmen in the heart
Author: Jia Peng
3、 Painting:
First prize (1): Yang Shuai

Name of work: flowers bloom and wealth
Author: Yang Shuai
Publicity date: July 1 - July 3
If you have any objection, please call the supervision hotline of audit department: 0371-65052037

Administrative center of Huibo medical party branch group of CPC
July 1, 2021
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